NOTICE: If you downloaded this map before January 28, 2023, please download the updated version.
Ground Zero was originally released on May 6th of 2019. There was an issue that caused a crash to desktop that I believe has now been fixed. I created numerous custom models just for this map, but as a novice to Maya modelling software, I had incorrectly entered several file pathways.
The map features a network of trenches and tunnels, wooden foot walks and bridges, steps, stairs, and sandbag barriers.
There are 3 COOP levels, 3 Conquest levels, and one Single Player level. The US Marines spawn on the Essex in the 32 and 64 player levels with plenty of Blackhawk helicopters to get them to shore. Jets and attack choppers are also available to take the fight to the enemy.

The Single Player map is based around the tunnel complex. One attack chopper is available and a few land vehicles.

The COOP 16 Player map brings some of the marsh areas into play. Each army has an attack chopper and a transport chopper. Plenty of armor and stationary weapons to keep the body count high.

The ESSEX is positioned in the Sakieda Bay and has a full complement of transport choppers, jets, and one attack chopper. The map is well balanced and all flags can be captured.

The US carrier cannot be captured on this map. Lots of stationary weapons and armor available for maximum mayhem. Don’t let the skeeters distract you from your mission!

A well fortified base on the Hill and a deep pocket of Pits East of the tunnel complex provides additional capture points on this map.